SWILnews Volume 6. number 23 April n<23. 1984, Hello again. At the 1ast meeting there were present as voting non-members Shoshanna, Alison, Scott, Neil. Ellen, Gavin, Jed. ..iack. rfeather, tl.l.iO oranges., ;13 bowl of p\Jdding. and the salt-and--pepper shakers. These last are due to the fact that we did not have a minyan but had urgent business to conduct. so the Weyrleaders declared a minyan and were helpfully provided with extra voters to make it legal. A final decision was made on movies, this being the purpose of declaring a minyan. We will be bringing Egh-~Q~it,1~L in the fall and I:"'-"",,-,1": ..'\ )[-",; , T!.-","": '" .."';: 3.1"\" 'QO';i'CI"-t: That we will -'-"":;';,';-" .,-,.. -jJ ~. "'h'" ~ ..~~ also be able to afford a shlock f'ilm from the cheap catalogue Shoshanna received in the mail. Thi!:. woL,ld-probably be something ranging from ~s:!:~t!.v§:. the F~uinQ SaucerA to inva§:ion: Earth 2150 8.:-~-' which is a Dr. Who movie. The final decision will not be made on this until next semester when we see how much money we have left after Fahrenhei 451. but the outlook is good. It was suggested that we consider a bad film festival. perhaps. cosponsored with Movie Committee (or Festivals Committeel now that t think of it). if we were going to do this it would not be until the 1985-86 school year, since the suggestion was that we spend all our money on it. This is something to keep in the back of our minds for the next year. Jed and I.. (guess who's doing SWILnews again)- talked to the head of Movie Committee today and confirmed BladeRunner. They will t1'l) to schedule it for sometime in the early part of the semester, the same time we wanted Alien. This, means that we won't be too bogged down with WOTk to see it. All those with a preference for when Fahrenheit 451 is shown should come to the next meeting or send Jed or Shoshanna a note saying when they would like it. since we need to send our orders to Movie Committee in a little over a week. We should be getting a tentative schedule for next semester's movies to help us decide. Everything we did last meeting seems to have had to do with movies! ?IiS \.\.Iill be shol.l.'ing a ranG pToduction this Wednesday and next Wednesday: Tom naker of Dr. Who fame as Sherlock Holmes in "Hound of the Baskervilles". One-half of the movie will be aired each night, at 8:00 I p. m. That's about it for this week, Attendance has been raIling off; iF you can't make it to meeting but want a voice in what goes on be sure to let one of the Weyrleaders know ahead of time, Hope to see you Saturday... Shoshanna pLf 'J ( .lNoV'( ( (assume: a Jed) (OCt J2J fJrN- ~W.) ~S ~[f ~'I\.(.~.s YCtj Ntt{ ~ "",;,,' j --~