SWILnews Volume 7 Number 10 December n<8,. 1984 Greetings everyone. At the tension-filled election-day meeting were: Ruth, Tim, Stefan, Jim, Perry, Irene, Shoshanna, Alison, Eric, Esther, Shane, Gavin, Jed, Claudia, Jack, DeViouS, steve, Heather, Bob, Mina, and Andrew. With this meeting Mina has become a non-member; congratulations. Much stuff happened at this meeting. Last in order but first in the news was the election, which went as follows: 12 votes plus one by proxy for the Weyrleaders, six votes for the Triumvirate ("Perry Loves the Hindmost"), one for Cth*fnord*ulu, and one by proxy for Paul.. Muad'Dib. So Jed and Shoshanna remain in power. There is the option. for a new title for us, however; think of suggestions, but remember that we have to like them too. More pilgramages! There will be a trip on Wednesday evening to see _Buckaroo_Banzai_ at the Springfield Theater, up by the mall. Watch the SWILboard for info on time, or ask Shoshanna. There will also be a trip into Phillie on Saturday to see _2010_, either by train or maybe in the SC van. Watch the SWILboard. or ask DeViouS (Dave VanStone). Also in the movie dept: Those of you who saw _Metropolis_ in Movie Committee's list of next semester's movies and worried about duplication, worry not. Movie Committee is cosponsoring the film with us, although it wasn't mentioned in the article. The $25 that they are saving us can be put toward a second spring semester movie. Last year there was great support for bringing a schlock film around exams. Stay tuned! IMPORTANT! Please make posters asking for submissions to BEM (Bug-Eyed Magazine), SWIL's literary f&sf publication. These signs should go up soon so people can write things over break. We want stories, poems, songs, articles, art all sorts. Submissions should be sent to Jay Scott, Jed Shumsky, Shoshanna Green, or can be put on the computer. More T-shirt slogans were suggested: among them "SWIL--Mutated Reality", "Don't Touch It--It's Evil!" (or "..It's SWIL!"), "I SWIL, Therefore I Am", and "SWIL--It's Better Than Nothing At All." Think about these, and also about a design for the shirt. Other major events of the meeting: Ruth was assasinated when she wasn't even a candidate and sat slumped at the table for most of the meeting, being decked out for lavish burial. Attempts to extract her camera from her stiffened fingers were not successful. Bob announced that he has taken the title "Thane of SWIL" and Steve declared himself the Assassin, and proceeded to prove the point, not only on Ruth. but on the Triumvirate. Stefan tells us that "At The Movies" will review _Dune_ next week, and Jim has deduced that Letterman graduated from Swat. Holders of the people's mandate, Shoshanna and Jed