MONSTERS!!! ORCS AND HOBGOBLINS-- These monsters carry swords and wear armor just like players, except that their armor is a different color. Orcs carry short swords and wear smaller armor (making them more difficult to kill). Hobgoblins have longer swords and larger armor. THE WEREWOLF-- From time to time, one particular orc becomes a werewolf and may only be killed with a silver sword. The werewolf is one of the few monsters that can kill with bare hands by touching a playerŐs armor. TROLLS-- Trolls do not wear armor AND MAY NOT BE KILLED. When a troll yells, "STOP!", everyone around the troll must stop and listen to a riddle. If the players guess the riddle, the troll may give them candy and go away. If the players do not guess the riddle, they must stay and listen to one of the troll's jokes. Troll jokes are said to kill the listener, however this has not been proven. THE SIREN--Does not wear armor but may easily identified by her continuous and mesmerising songs. All players who can hear the siren must STOP and listen to the song until released. The siren will usually assign a task to players which must be performed in order for them to be released. The siren CANNOT NOT BE KILLED REGARDLESS OF THE CHEEZINESS OF HER REPRETOIRE! THE VAMPIRE AND THE SHADOW-- Two nearly indistinguishable monsters, both invincible, one harmless. The vampire may kill with bare hands,CANNOT BE KILLED and may only be driven away with garlic. The shadow knows. THE BLACK KNIGHT-- An honorable knight who guards the Oracle of the Rose Garden (see below). To approach the Oracle, you must prove your worthiness by defeating the Black Knight in SINGLE COMBAT. The Black Knight may only be defeated by recieving hits to both arms and both calves and even when vanquished may still be capable of nearly-killing insults. THE ORACLE OF THE ROSE GARDEN-- Not a monster per se, but a source of information. To approach the Oracle, you must first defeat the Black Knight (see above) in single combat. If you then approach the Oracle reverently, with some form of tribute, she may give you some small bit of information. The better the tribute, the better the information. PTERODACTYLS-- There are two of these rare creatures left. To kill them and claim their glowing hearts (valuable prizes, indeed) you must hit the Pterodactyl THREE TIMES ON THE FEET. Beware, the Pterodactyls spit deadly poison that kills whomever it touches! THE WIZARD AND HER MINIONS-- The Hunt is conducted on the WizardŐs land. Her authority, and that of her minions, is supreme. Failure to abide by the laws of the Hunt will cause one of these omnipotent beings to remove you from the game. You may not attack any wizard. Wizards may be identified by their dark clothing and capes. PRIZES 1) If you kill a pterodactyl and carry its glowing heart back to Parrish Parlors, you win a pizza. The heart must be carried IN PLAIN SIGHT to claim the prize. 2) There are pterodactyl eggs hidden around campus which are worth a chocolate bar if returned, intact, to Parrish Parlors. 3) Certain other monsters will relinquish various numbers of coins when killed. These coins may be exchanged for silver swords and garlic or used to bribe the Oracle. A special prize will be awarded to the player who has amassed the most coins by the end of the Hunt. GOOD HUNTING!